Have a look around and see! What’s been on your mind lately? What’s your self-care been like these days? I also have a Youtube, Facebook and Instagram page so feel free to follow and hit me up with any question on fitness, health or philosophy. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more great tips on Health, Fitness, with a dash of Philosophy!

This page was formerly called Episteme. Episteme, as Plato explains, is knowledge that is related to our faculties of understanding. I changed it for a couple of reasons. I like the play on words, and I find purposeful spelling errors funny. And also as a way to motivate myself to write something philosophical every week. The topics will usually involve something around health and fitness, but I will also try to relate it to everyday life. Essentially, what you’ll find here are my philosophical thoughts and observations as an individual, a coach, fitness specialist, personal trainer, navigating through the health and fitness industry.

The two things I have loved the most since I can remember are Fitness, and Wisdom. After my OAC Philosophy class, I knew that’s what I wanted to study in university. And after receiving my B.A. in Philosophy, I continued on towards an MA degree in philosophy.
But the road to where I am now has definitely not been an easy one, to say the least. Where I grew up and the circumstances surrounding my early life in Lebanon have definitely shaped who I am today. I feel that a lot of my free time is spent reflecting on where I’m from, where I am, how I got here, and everything in between. I think that it’s important for anyone to understand these things about themselves. Not just as introspection and self knowledge. But also in order understand how to best contribute to helping others, family, friends, clients, and even strangers.