“Race-Norming”: The NFL’s Dirty Tactic

What Is “Race-Norming”?

I recently read an article in the Washington Post, which I will link, about how the NFL is pledging to end “Race-Norming”. Find it here if you’re interested


The NFL has a test, that players must take, to assess brain injuries. Except in the case of Black football players, the test assumed that they started out with lower cognitive skills. This means that Black players will have a harder time showing that they have suffered and are experiencing any deficit as a result of concussions. Basically “the concussion didn’t make you dumb, you were dumb to begin with”.

In 2020 there was a lawsuit, filed by two players which got the ball rolling on this issue. Enough to say that both the courts and the media paid attention, when 50000 petitions who’d up at the federal courthouse in Philadelphia, demanding more inquiry into this issue.

NFL Said “There was no discrimination”

Though the league went on about how the original settlement for 800 million dollars was fair, equal and equitable, Judge Anita Brody wasn’t quite convinced. Which is why she decided to appoint a mediator to look further into the matter.

And her decision couldn’t come sooner. Knowing what I know about the NFL, what happened with Colin Kaepernick hearing from people who played in both the CFL and the NCAA, I am very skeptical about this “no discrimination” claim.

The history of USA teaches us that racism and discrimination is part and parcel of pretty much every single existing institution that the country was built on. It makes me think of when they claimed that the Titanic was “unsinkable”. It’s just tempting fate at that point.

What Should Be Done?

First of all, it’s 2021, and a lot of white people act surprised when they hear that some organization, or institution has racism problem. When both BIPOC and white scholars, historians, and academics, have been presenting more and more evidence that the roots of racism run deep into the heart of most American institutions and organizations.

Yet, the worries, concerns and plights of BIPOC keep getting thrown to the side. Most of the calls for more inquiry and exposition are ignored. And it’s only when something receives a lot of attention from the media, is it taken somewhat seriously.

And what I have noticed is when it comes down to it, nothing is really done. Most organizations and institutions are given a slap on the wrist, and everyone moves on. But a slap on the wrist is not enough. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying “more severe punishment!”. I’m saying “More Accountability” and a desperate need to confront the roots of the problem.

Many scholars and activists including W.E.B Du Bois, Angela Davis, Cornell West, pointed to the roots that allowed systemic racism to flourish and spread to every institution and organization in American history. They warned about the harm and suffering endured by Black people due to being denied equal and equitable participation in the socio-economic development the country. That harm and suffering continues today.

No amount of “pledging” is going to fix a system that actively seeks to oppress Black people.

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