Sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea

La Mer Incandescente

-Rham Akra-

Se noyant au milieu de l’ocean,
Tandi qu’il ne pense qu’a leur franc.
Le monde abomine tremblant.
Mais lui, il reste certain

Dans ce sombre hiver larmoyant
Les bague deviennent de plus en plus déferlantes.
Et engloutissent toute son âme en profondeur
Quel douleur de soutenir tel malheur!

La cause, elle existe bien
Or, L’humanité regarde sans fin,
Ignorant, sans compassion, ni chagrin

La mer se tache de rouge
Les ombres dansent sur le rivage,
Tandis que lui, il reste certain.
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Picture of Beirut city and Raoushe coastal line

A World Gone Cold, Un Coin de Paradis

A world Gone Cold
By: -Reem Youssef-

In shadows deep where silence reigns,
The cries of many drown in chains,
What once was right now wears a mask,
As apathy becomes our daily task.

Evil walks with a casual grace,
While kindness fades without a trace,
We turn away, our hears grown numb,
As suffering echoes, a distant drum.

Children laugh in sheltered light,
Unaware of the endless night.
Yet guild creeps in like a thief at dawn,
For every joy, a sorrow drawn.

How can we feast while others starve?
Injustice thrives where we should carve
A path of hope, a hand to lend,
But instead, we watch as shadows blend., read more