Hope and Creation…

A long time ago I wrote my Master’s Philosophy thesis on “Aesthetics, Human Freedom, and Technological Rationality”. Thinking back on it now I probably should have come up with a more simple title like “Art, Freedom, and Capitalism”.

I examined the work of two philosophers Friedrich Schiller’s “Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man”, and Herbert Marcuse’s “One Dimensional Man”. In short, I was interested in looking at the creative capacities of human beings and how Capitalism basically squashes those capacities. read more


A few years back I was up late at on a sunday night, prepping food for the week. I was making a big, delicious pot of chilli. I’m not sure of the exact date, but I do remember it was in the winter. I know this because I make chilli mostly in the winter. And I remember thinking about how much I would rather be sleeping because I had to be up early.

So around 10:30pm I was prepping the ingredients and gathering spices to make an awesome meal to last the week. And I began talking to myself. I told myself “It’s ok, my future self will thank me”. I didn’t know that this thought would unfold into an entire way of life for me. The first part is a bit thick, but stick with me I’m going somewhere good with this. read more